Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hot Oatmeal Should I Eat Oatmeal With Hot Milk Or Hot Water?

Should I eat oatmeal with hot milk or hot water? - hot oatmeal

Recently I ate oatmeal for more healthy. In any case, I wonder if it is better to eat oatmeal with warm milk or hot water.

Is it better to eat?


amatived... said...

Water is the healthiest option, but the milk is added to some calcium and protein.

A good and easy way to calorie observed difference is where you for products and nutritional information just to search.

peaches said...

more than just cooking in the milk instead of water, cream of wheat sugar.try the same way and put a really ripe banana mashed into him while he was cooking, no sugar.

TIP said...

hot milk.

leesbet said...

You can eat as you want ..
might think it tastes better with milk .. Porrigo is thats all .. Oatmeal served with milk or a little cream on .. cast but I believe that water is an option ... or fruit juice ...
cold, dry cereal gruel served in the same way ... doused with milk ... or you can use yogurt that I like with my ..
Have you tried oatmeal cookies? .. You are fabulous, and you can take everywhere with you ...
a healthy snack ... and can be directly consumed in the bag ...

leesbet said...

You can eat as you want ..
might think it tastes better with milk .. Porrigo is thats all .. Oatmeal served with milk or a little cream on .. cast but I believe that water is an option ... or fruit juice ...
cold, dry cereal gruel served in the same way ... doused with milk ... or you can use yogurt that I like with my ..
Have you tried oatmeal cookies? .. You are fabulous, and you can take everywhere with you ...
a healthy snack ... and can be directly consumed in the bag ...

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